ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)
- Munggunakan sistem desimal
- 20 Akumulator @ 10 digit desimal
- Diprogram secara manual dengan Switch
- 113.000 tabung vakum
- 30 ton
- 1500 feet persegi
- 5000 terminal
- 6000 Swirch
- 5000 operasi penambahan/detik
EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variabel Computer)
- Binary Serial
- Menggunakan magnetic tape
- ControlUnit dengan sebuah oskiloskop
- Unit komputasi untuk melakukan operasi aritmatik
- Timer
- Dual memory unit terdiri dari dua set 64 memory acoustic delay line dengan kapasitas 8 words tiap baris.
- Tiga temporary tank
- 6000 tabung vakum
- 12000 dioda
- 45.5 m persegi
- 7.850 kg
EDSAC (Electronic Delayed Storage Automatic Computer)
- Memori menggunakan Mercury Delay LinesLogic Unit menggunakan Derated Vacum Tubes
- Input menggunakan Five-Hole Punch Type
- Output menggunakan Teleprinter
IBM S/1401
- Card Reader / Punch
- 7330 Magnetic Tape Unit
- 1407 Console Inquiry Unit
- Control Panel
- 1405 Disk Storage Unit
- printer
Honeywell 800
- Central Processor dengan 16 input/output Kontrol
- IOCC (Input/Output Control Center)256 spesial register kontrol memori @ 16bits
- Memory utama beris 4 banks @ 2048 words
- Software: assembly, compiler, COBOL
- Sistem memory 2 bit width29 planes of 4096 cores
- CPU punya 4 akumulator
- CPU punya 15 index Register
- OS: CHIEF and/or BOSS
- Assaambly language: SALT
dibuat oleh National Cash Register, digunakan sebagai ATM (Automatic Teller Machine)CDC (Control Data Corporation) 6600
- Central Processor 60-bit word length
- Main and Virtual Memory
- Pheriperal Processor
- Operating System : COS (Chippews Operating System)
- consol unit
- Power Unit
- Card reader unit
- BLIS (Bell Laboratories Interpretive System)
- SPACE (Simplified programming Anyone Can Enjoy)
IBM S/34
- included 2 processor, System/3 and Sustem/32
- Internal Cooling Fans
- Memory Card
- 700 Pounds
- OS: SSP (System Support Program)
IBM S/36
- A processor with 16 32-bit General purpose registers (R0-R15)
- A 64-bit Program status word A condition code
- memory (called storage) subsystem with 8 bits per byte
- Motherboard
- 16 mb max memory
- 84-key AT keyboard layout
- 1.2 MB 5-1/4 inch floppy disk drive
- 20 MB hard disk drive
- 128 kB of RAM
- 360 kB double-sided 5.25 in (133 mm) full-height floppy disk drive
- 10 MB Seagate ST-412 hard drive with Xebec 1210 MFM controller
- Adapter (serial card with 8250 UART) and a 130 watt power supply
- The motherboard had eight 8-bit ISA expansion slots, and an Intel 8088 microprocessor running at 4.77 MHz
- operating system usually sold with it was PC DOS 2.0
Radio Shack TRS-80 Model 11
- Keyboard and mainboard o one unit
- Zilog Z80 Processor 1.77 MHz
- 4 KB of RAM,
- white-on-black display monitor
- Casstete Tape Recorder
- Floppy disk Drive
- Expansion Interface
- 5MB hard-drive
- Printer
- Programming Language: BASIC
- Game Blackjack and backgammon